Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 7- 1/7/2009

Well, my friends. I am now OFFICIALLY behind. It's the 11th and I am just now writing about my experience on the 7th. I am not overly happy about this! Though I have not journaled as I thought, I have been committed to doing the things every day I committed to myself to do. I feel great about that! But, I am disappointed in myself that I am not making this blog effort happen. I have learned that I cannot save the blogging for late in the day; for when the clock strikes 9, my internal "lights" go out and I can do nothing right except for fall asleep... quickly! And if I try and blog in the afternoon/evening when my guys are home; well, forget it. They need me. :) I like that and I don't like being on the computer when they are home as we don't have enough time together as it is!

So, I am picking up here again with Day 7 of my journey through The Purpose Driven Life. Tomorrow I will catch up with a brief summary of days 8 - 11 (on day 9 I took the CSET. HOLY COW! I'll share more tomorrow). And then I will be all caught up.

And, so, on a really fun and "out there" note for me, I am going to a boot camp today! This is my first! A trainer in La Mesa does a boot camp for very little money (pay as you go, and the first week is free... what a deal). I am not sure how I will do at this type of thing. Actually, I have no idea what to expect, but what a better way to start the week? I will be burning calories and hanging with one of my BFF's (I know, should a girl have more than one BFF? Well, I do!). Okay, so truth be told staying home and writing is my first choice, but as far as activities go, sweating with a dear friend is very near a top of the "like" list, so that is getting priority. :)

The "heart" part:

Have you noticed that the "heart" part is typically the first thing I write about? I reflect on the heart all day long. I'm not sure if that is healthy or neurotic, but for now, that's just me. If it's healthy I'll keep doing it. :) If it's neurotic, I'll add it to the list of things to work on! Nonetheless, I find the "heart" part, ie. my soul, is the most important. Because this body will pass away, but my soul will live forever with God in eternity, doing that very thing he created me to do. Life here is just the "dress rehearsal."

Chapter 7 of The Purpose Driven Life, "It's all for him." The Lord has made everything for his own purposes. (Pr 16:4)

"The ultimate goal of the universe is to show the glory of God. It is the reason for everything that exists, including you. God made it all for his glory. Without God's glory there would be nothing." RW

Where is the glory of God? Everywhere! Creation reveals his glory. It's really amazing. As I studied for my CSET and went over how a fetus develops... from a single cell to a full blow person... with a complex heart, brain and nervous system... well, WOW! After reading that I wondered, how can anyone doubt God? The sheer force it takes to make another living soul with a functioning body is phenomenal, and it happens in the safe and secret place of the womb. Incredible!

"We can't add to God's glory, but we are commanded to:
and live for his glory!" RW

In the entire universe, only two things fail to give God his due glory; fallen angels and people. All the rest of creation cries out with it! According to Pastor Warren, all sin, at its root, is failing to give God glory. Hmmm... let's think about that for a minute. Romans 2:23, "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."

How do I fail in this daily? When I live for me; and remember, it's not about me. But this is a newly revisited concept for me, so I know I have a long way to go on this matter. Pride & rebellion are at the root of living for pleasing only me, and not moving myself outward to live for God and to serve those around me. Even this morning, I did a attitude eye roll (the eyes didn't move, but the brain thought it) when Todd asked me to take Quinn to the bus stop. I was mildly irritated. This meant I would have to get dressed! I was looking forward to them leaving the house so I could get to what I wanted to do. So, just 30 minutes into my day I had an opportunity to put myself first. :) Now, I'm not a bad person because I had another agenda today, but I want to get to a point where I am delighted to help out my husband and my son at the first opportunity, not after I've had to consider that it is the right thing to do. I want that to flow out of me as naturally as my speech (because you know, I always have something to say). I'd like to be that wife and mother that always has something to give to my family.

So, how can I bring glory to God? With Jesus as my example, I look at John 17:4. Jesus prayed to the Father, "I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you told me to do." Jesus fulfilled his purpose. I want to fulfill mine.

St. Irenaeus said, "The glory of God is a human being fully alive!" God, I want to be fully alive!

Warren suggests these ways to bring glory to God:
1. Worship him- when you use your life for God's glory, everything you do can become an act of worship.
2. Loving other believers- it is your responsibility to learn to love as God does, because God is love, and it honors him. John 13:34 - 35.
3. Becoming Christ like- the more you develop Christ-like character, the more you will bring glory to God.
4. Serving others with our gifts- God didn't give you your abilities for selfish purposes
5. Telling others about him- once we know the truth, expects us to share it with others.

Hmmm... looks like I have my work cut out for me. I seriously fail in all of these areas daily. However, I know that as I am allowing my heart to be changed by God, (God, change me!) I will get better at worshiping God with ALL that I am.

What will you live for?

Loving you (on purpose),



  1. I not only read it, but I look forward to seeing your post on facebook so I can click over to read it! I love it!

  2. Keep going you are doing great.

    Tom Bailey
